I had a consultation with my surgeon, Dr. M today. I have two future appointments scheduled with the surgery center, but I didn't feel comfortable waiting until just a few days before surgery to get everything answered.
My biggest question was pertaining to the genioplasty. I have read so many blogs where people have gotten a genioplasty in addition to their upper and lower jaw surgery, but I just haven't found an answer as to what exactly the POINT of it was. I knew it moved your chin, but there was no answer that I could find that told me the difference between how things would look with the genio, and how they would look without. I printed out a few pictures of myself (the same ones I previously posted) to show Dr. M so that I could better explain what it was that I didn't like about my jaw shape/chin. I think that up until now (or a few weeks ago) I blamed all of my personal cosmetic issues that I had on the fact that my jaw was recessed. Recently, I have realized that it is not only that, but that I don't have any chin definition. My chin just sits flush with my jaw, it all just kind of flows into each other. Dr. M agreed with everything I was saying, and thought a genioplasty would be good for me, so I have decided to go with it. He is having one of the office women check on cost, but do any of my followers have an idea as to what the additional charge is for the genioplasty?
Another thing I discussed was donating blood in case I needed a blood transfusion during surgery. Dr. M said they used to require people donate their own blood, but after years and years of never having any need for it, they didn't see a need to require it any longer. He said it would be an option if I wanted to, but that it was very costly, as the blood can not be put into the pool to be donated to anyone, and therefore if you don't use it, you'll need to pay for it's disposal. I think I am okay with not donating.
Dr. M told me I needed to gain some weight, but I don't really agree with him. My normal weight is about 125, and I am sitting at 132 right now, so there is already room to lose a bit. He told me I needed to start eating healthy, and that chicken nuggets (after I told him I ate them last night) are not the best form of protein. I don't think he fully realizes I am a college student, I don't have time for home cooked meals every night! I am thinking I will stress eat a LOT in the next few weeks due to finals coming up. I am going to try to eat a bit healthier, but I don't really have the time to be thinking about food, all my energy is going into getting through this semester. I also have every intention of pigging out the week prior to surgery, so maybe that'll help a bit, but probably none of it will be considered healthy.
I get official measurements taken at the surgery center a few days prior to my surgery date, but I wanted to talk to Dr. M about how much movement he was thinking I would need. He said about 6mm foward on bottom jaw, and 2mm up on the top jaw. They will also be rotating my top jaw upward a little, as my jaw plane is at a downward slope right now.
I asked about exercising as well. Dr. M said moderate exercise starting at 2 weeks post-op, but no high intensity work outs until at least 3-4 weeks post-op.
I left the clinic in a hurry to get online and register for classes. I am now officially registered for my LAST semester of my undergrad degree. WHOA!