Hi there!

I don't really have a reason for writing, other than it's been ages since I've popped in and said hello :)

It's officially been two years and 113 days since I had double jaw surgery. THAT. IS. CRAZY.

Sometimes it feels like it was a lifetime ago, and other times I cannot believe I am making my way to the three year post-op mark.

Since I last wrote I...
turned 23 (and will be turning 24 next week!)
left the marketing company and started working in technology
was accepted to graduate school (I start in January!)
have traveled to Minnesota. North Dakota. New York City. South Carolina. Boston. Texas. Colorado.
have a new baby niece (who is nearly a year old now)

An update in pictures...
(I apologize in advance for the weird formatting)

I've posted this one before.... this sweet girl got married a few months ago.
This is us at her Dad's wedding in December 2010

and here we are in June at her wedding :)


My little monkey when he was ~6 months old - pre jaw surgery

Now :) How perfect is he?


Still BFFS with this guy.

Now :)


These two girls still own my heart. We've been best friends for EVER. 

HS and Freshman Year of College

Now :)


Big Seester

I think this is from October 2010.

She was married 3 months after I had surgery, so I was still in braces and had a wonky smile :)

Now :)


That's all I have for you :) 
I am always willing to answer any questions via email so please feel free to reach out!
