It has been 128 days since surgery. Whoa.
I saw Dr. Sletten this morning. Last appointment he had suggested I wear elastics on the furthest back molars on both sides to help bring the molars closer together. He also put adjustments on the wire in that area. Well, I would put the elastics in, the right one would snap off because the bottom hook was turned a little, and I would leave the left one on. Obviously, now my left side molars are closer together than my right. Oh well. He gave me two options-- he could continue working to bring the molars closer together (he said he had a few different things he would try) OR he would bring them as close as he could get them until my next appointment in a few weeks and I could get my braces off then. I chose option #2. I really am kind of over caring about my molars anymore. I just want these braces off. So....
is the big day! Wee! I am so exciitteedd I could pee :)
He put new adjustments on the wires to work on the molars a bit more. I have FINALLY graduated to wearing elastics only at night! Most of the time, this is what I have been doing anyway (shh...) but now at least I don't have to feel so guilty about it :)
27 days until I am DEBRACED!
I thought it was going to be a bit sooner than that a few months back, but because I was worried about my molars, I requested to leave the braces on a bit longer. I am not sure how I am even going to wait 27 more days. To everyone who still has months in braces, I know 27 days seems so measly, but uh, it seems like it's going to take foorevverr to get here.
Some new picturess...
This is what I look like when I go camping. and get all sweaty hiking during the day. Then eat pigeon over the fire and have some drinks. So cute. But hey, I have a chin!